On the process of our evolution we have seven energy centers on the spinal cord ,and they are related to the brains..
When the " Kundalini " is awakened , it spings like a primule out of the seed , it passes throught the six energy centers ( the chakras ) and ultimately pierces the seventh center ,the " Sahasrara "(the fontanelle bone area, the top of your head) and connects our human awareness , to the All Pervading Power " The Self , God ", thus we develop the fourth dimension.
This is how our marvellous energy " the Kundalini ", help us to achieve "the yoga ", the "Union" with God.
When our Kundalini rises , she changes the database on the genes, and the traumas of our subconscient.
A transforming of the personnality takes place , by the noursishment, the cleansing ,the enlightement of the chakras.
When our chakras are cleansed we develop then the sens of jugement of ourself.
This is how we can correct ourself , and change.
It is also how our " baptisme " takes places .
The Kundalni awakening makes us , " born again " , whitch means "resurrected ".
The Kundalini, The Holy spirit, The Mother, Our Unique Mother takes care of Her unique child... You, me , the others...( As Lord Jesus Said, we are the Unique child , the innocent baby born of "The Spirit ").
This is how " Our Private Mother ", Our " Real Mother ", crowned bye all her qualities can transforme us, correct us with Her endless pure love.
This has been revealed to us by "Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ", recognised worldwhile by Sahaja Yogis, as representing on earth " The Shekhina", " The Holy Gost", " The perfect mediator ", between, " God , The Father " and we , His children.
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