samedi 12 janvier 2008

***SHRI MATAJI **** Who are you ????

To which she would reply :

          " If I tell you who  I am  ,I will limit myself !!!!"

Nominated twice for the Nobel prize ,recipient of many ,many honorary distinctions and awards ,
and so much humility, so much awareness and knowledge, unlimited..., there is no question to which she cannot reply ! 

A walking spiritual (and many others things ) Encyclopedia !

Whereas I was searching , with all my being for " the truth " , and chance ( but is there such a thing as chance ? ) put me on Your path !!! 
And as the great Cesar said .. " veni, vidi; vici ", I came , I saw , I conquered...

Yes, thanks for Your invitation , to your teaching, your conseling, I came , I saw, I conquered...
my anguish, my fears, my never ending existental questions that had always been unansweard !
What is the meaning of existence, what is the meaning of my being ,who am I ?
Spirit ?, matter ?

You have connected me to the " Self " throught the realisation, to the "All", to " The Souce" of all things .
You have helped me with introspection .. to like myself, respect more myself and the others,
better and better still, to forgive them, to forgive  myself ..
To expérience this state of witness that permits me to see the things with discernement , to see myself whithin, whithout judging myself, others , but rather to love them, with a love ever 
pure as before .
To accept myself , to accept the things I cannot change .
Yes You have given me this power , and the strenght to fight injustice and domination .
To fight against my interior demons with patience.
Yes I have experienced  my interior " Jihad ", my " Maha Baratha ", it was not easy , the battle I gave up  to myself was nameless.. and yet I have overcome.
Like the Phenix I was dead ,and rose  from my own ashes !
I have separated the weat from the chaff.

Without You I would not have succeded.

You taught me how to medidate, how to clear my chakras , how to center myself, and not only that.

*****To be the channel of " The Self "***

To distribute this Knowlegde with love, to every one  whithout distinction of race, religion, color ... to keep nothing to myself out of jealousy.

Yes " Shri Mataji ", You "Gift" I have  cheriched and shared , and that has not been whithout pain  " For no-one is a prophet in his own country ".
And it is truth that " only those who have ears may hear ";
and  "those who have eyes may see".
You taught me to become my own " guru" , my own master , my own guide !

Tank You, thank You Mother ! You are not called   " M o t h e r "... for nothing !


Go to  "You tube " and search Shri Mataji you will see some of Her conferences ..

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