I am far for ressembling the magnificent Brigitte Bardot or Agelina Jolie, but we are the same!
The same... you would say ?
Yes of course, because, men or women, black , yellow, red or white,jew,muslim,bouddhist etc... etc... we all posess a subtile body !!!!!
But where is it ??
It exists inside of our spinal colum running along it's entire lenght !
Every body knows that we have two "Sympathetic nervous System " or channels..
The left channel , moon channel of a blue color , humid ,our feminine aspect ends in a sort of baloon in the right brain , this going to form our Super-Ego, it is from that channel ,of our desires (whether pure or not ), that come our emotions ( our cries come from there ) and contains the " hard drive " of our past lives....
The right sympathetic channel , our masculin aspect, solar , channel of actions , of a yellow color,will end in the left brain and will form the balloon of Mister "Ego".
So wich channel regulates our blood circulation, our respiration, and our heart beats ?
The central channel, the para-sympathetic system! or " Sushumna Nadi "that's her job..
It is also the channel of evolution ( that we will see later on ).
How and from who I know all this ??
It is Doctor Nirmala Srivastava, twice nominated for the " Nobel prize ", ( Who is also known as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi) who thaught us about it ( we are hundred thousend people who practice it ).
But is there a proof of the existence of this channel ?? oh yes !
There is a scientific existence of this " energy system " !
How ? By just placing you right hand on a round plaque ,which is connected to a scientific device, you can observe it on a big screen , and you can see ,even, the series of chakras ( wheels of energy ) composing it, as well as the blocages of the chakras and their colors.
So, we have seven major chakras , wich are linked to others , (subject in another post ).
It is with our left channel that we desire things.
Our right channel makes them realised.
For instance, I desired ( with left ) to share all this, now I am in my right channel to express it!
The problem that I have sometimes had, was , running from the left ( desires ) , then went to the right ( actions ) and I never stopped a while in the center channel to recharge my " batteries ".
How does that work ????
Quite simply throught meditation , recentering ourself , establishing communication with the "Self " which would permit our marvellous energy , the "Kundalini", to bring her vibrations towards our chakras so they could fonction well.
Our chakras are wheels of energy which are connected to hour hands with the fingers or to our feet throught the toes . Those chakras rotate clockwise.
Now before writing this, I closed my eyes , stayed a while in my " sushumana Nadi ", while connected I asked my Kundalini to help me to find the judicious words to touch you .
Why touching you ??
I received this wonderfull gift " the ralisation " or yoga and as I love people ( it's my profound nature ) I wanted to share this gift with all of you !
I will explain eveything as soon as possible..
More to see at ...http//: www.meditationresearch.co.uk/index.html
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