Ne m'éconduis pas... mais..
conduis -moi!
Mènes-moi, du rêve à la réalité,
Mènes-moi ,de l'opacité à la clarté,
Sors-moi du compliqué,
à la simplicité,
Conduis-moi de l'obscur à l'évident,
Conduis-moi de l'intention à " l'attention ,"
Délivre-moi de ce qu'on m'a dit "qui j'étais"
Et fais moi voir qui "vraiment " je suis
Conduis-moi à l'endroit que je n'ai
jamais,ô jamais quitté...
Et, viens, viens..reste; avec moi,
Au Royaume de la "Paix "
samedi 9 août 2008
vendredi 1 août 2008
Quoi de plus agréable que de se lever tôt ??
Le ciel est entre bleu foncé et jaune, rose, les oiseaux gazouillent,
et mes sens s'éveillent doucement à moi.
Déjà les pensées affluent,les projets...
Doucement pas trop vite.... un thé, un biscuit ,une bougie allumée,de l'encens.
Je mets un peu de musique "Raga Eshwari "de Ravi Shankar, fais mon bandhan,
ferme les yeux....Je m"abandonne à lui, la pensée s'arrête,la musique qui parvient
à mes oreilles se semble changer ... devenir cé goûte , puisque je suis
consciente de ce qui se passe autour de moi, à cette félicité,ce calme, cette paix,
cette joie ,qui ne trouve aucun qualificatif équivalant ,dans aucun des dictionnaires,
ma respiration qui se fait lente encore plus lente.. le coeur qui diminue ses battements.
et le yoga,
l'union...l'union ... est-ce "çà" le fameux mariage des Nonnes, avec Dieu ??
Le ciel est entre bleu foncé et jaune, rose, les oiseaux gazouillent,
et mes sens s'éveillent doucement à moi.
Déjà les pensées affluent,les projets...
Doucement pas trop vite.... un thé, un biscuit ,une bougie allumée,de l'encens.
Je mets un peu de musique "Raga Eshwari "de Ravi Shankar, fais mon bandhan,
ferme les yeux....Je m"abandonne à lui, la pensée s'arrête,la musique qui parvient
à mes oreilles se semble changer ... devenir cé goûte , puisque je suis
consciente de ce qui se passe autour de moi, à cette félicité,ce calme, cette paix,
cette joie ,qui ne trouve aucun qualificatif équivalant ,dans aucun des dictionnaires,
ma respiration qui se fait lente encore plus lente.. le coeur qui diminue ses battements.
et le yoga,
l'union...l'union ... est-ce "çà" le fameux mariage des Nonnes, avec Dieu ??
mardi 29 juillet 2008
c'est quoi l'amour ??? que veut dire " je t'aime"
Ah ! langue de Molière, comme tu es riche et si pauvre quand il s'agit d'exprimer le " je t'aime" ,
J'aime la confiture, j'aime mes chats, ma collection d'oeufs rapportés du monde entier....
le sourire craquant de Dario, le Mummmy de Noun....
Tout çà compris dans le fameux " j'aime"? Come on .....!
Et si le je "t'aime" dépassait sa notion mentale , émotionnelle , physique d'avant ou d'après...,
si on le transcendait... si il venait non pas ,comme on le croit, du coeur " organe" , mais du coeur "chakra ",
du " Sahasrara", de ce monde du, above us ,de cette union, de ce yoga avec le Soi !
Ce " je t'aime" qui comporterait la vraie couleur de l'amour pur, celui qui n'attend rien ,même pas
qu'on le répète..qu'on le rende avec le bête "moi aussi , je t'aime".... ?
Si ce " je t'aime" émet les vibrations entourant l'autre dans un enchevêtrement sans fin de couleurs,
de brise fraîche ,de musique, de paix,de bien être , de confiance, de joie pure...
alors oui ce "je t'aime",même mot pauvre, a toute sa signification...
Le , Ik hou van youw, le , ich liebe dich,le, I love you, le, ani ochevet otcha, le, ana bahibak !,
renferment tout çà...!
Et c'est comme çà que,
"j'aime "
Pauvre langue française, belle, belle, mais sans vibrations....
J'aime la confiture, j'aime mes chats, ma collection d'oeufs rapportés du monde entier....
le sourire craquant de Dario, le Mummmy de Noun....
Tout çà compris dans le fameux " j'aime"? Come on .....!
Et si le je "t'aime" dépassait sa notion mentale , émotionnelle , physique d'avant ou d'après...,
si on le transcendait... si il venait non pas ,comme on le croit, du coeur " organe" , mais du coeur "chakra ",
du " Sahasrara", de ce monde du, above us ,de cette union, de ce yoga avec le Soi !
Ce " je t'aime" qui comporterait la vraie couleur de l'amour pur, celui qui n'attend rien ,même pas
qu'on le répète..qu'on le rende avec le bête "moi aussi , je t'aime".... ?
Si ce " je t'aime" émet les vibrations entourant l'autre dans un enchevêtrement sans fin de couleurs,
de brise fraîche ,de musique, de paix,de bien être , de confiance, de joie pure...
alors oui ce "je t'aime",même mot pauvre, a toute sa signification...
Le , Ik hou van youw, le , ich liebe dich,le, I love you, le, ani ochevet otcha, le, ana bahibak !,
renferment tout çà...!
Et c'est comme çà que,
"j'aime "
Pauvre langue française, belle, belle, mais sans vibrations....
mardi 22 juillet 2008
The guru " The Master ,
What is a "guru"
if , apart the knowlege, his knowledge charing,
He has no compassion, no innocence,
This innocence wich is love...
if , apart the knowlege, his knowledge charing,
He has no compassion, no innocence,
This innocence wich is love...
vendredi 23 mai 2008
I have a dream !
For some years now I dream of a world without borders ,
A world without identification papers,
A world without wars,
Without jealousies,
Without envy,false desires,
A world made to belong to -no one ,
As it belongs to every one !
And above all a world without locks every where,
A world where our children could move about without fear,
A world where all children would be as " our children"
A world where one could realize that " OLD FOLKS "
( in this era where so much emphasis is placed on youthfulness),
A world where at last we will see that "this other"'s "me"!
A world without identification papers,
A world without wars,
Without jealousies,
Without envy,false desires,
A world made to belong to -no one ,
As it belongs to every one !
And above all a world without locks every where,
A world where our children could move about without fear,
A world where all children would be as " our children"
A world where one could realize that " OLD FOLKS "
( in this era where so much emphasis is placed on youthfulness),
A world where at last we will see that "this other"'s "me"!
jeudi 27 mars 2008
Subtle System animation
To have your self-realization please visit this web page:
This is a beautiful animation of the process.
This is a beautiful animation of the process.
lundi 24 mars 2008
" Forgiveness "
May I wish in this special day, to all of us to f o r g i v e , from the bottom of our heart,
Enjoy Shri Mataji's video talking about forgiveness.
In videoclip , Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, talks about 2 conditions: (1) forgetting the past (don't condemn the past) and forgiving yourself and (2) forgiving everyone. She also discusses knowledge about the central nervous system and demonstrates doing certain motions with your hands on your head, and a cool breeze emanating from the head. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the founder of Sahaja Yoga.
our soul , our chakras.. !
Enjoy Shri Mataji's video talking about forgiveness.
In videoclip , Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, talks about 2 conditions: (1) forgetting the past (don't condemn the past) and forgiving yourself and (2) forgiving everyone. She also discusses knowledge about the central nervous system and demonstrates doing certain motions with your hands on your head, and a cool breeze emanating from the head. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the founder of Sahaja Yoga.
lundi 14 janvier 2008
The " fourth dimension "
On the process of our evolution we have seven energy centers on the spinal cord ,and they are related to the brains..
When the " Kundalini " is awakened , it spings like a primule out of the seed , it passes throught the six energy centers ( the chakras ) and ultimately pierces the seventh center ,the " Sahasrara "(the fontanelle bone area, the top of your head) and connects our human awareness , to the All Pervading Power " The Self , God ", thus we develop the fourth dimension.
This is how our marvellous energy " the Kundalini ", help us to achieve "the yoga ", the "Union" with God.
When our Kundalini rises , she changes the database on the genes, and the traumas of our subconscient.
A transforming of the personnality takes place , by the noursishment, the cleansing ,the enlightement of the chakras.
When our chakras are cleansed we develop then the sens of jugement of ourself.
This is how we can correct ourself , and change.
It is also how our " baptisme " takes places .
The Kundalni awakening makes us , " born again " , whitch means "resurrected ".
The Kundalini, The Holy spirit, The Mother, Our Unique Mother takes care of Her unique child... You, me , the others...( As Lord Jesus Said, we are the Unique child , the innocent baby born of "The Spirit ").
This is how " Our Private Mother ", Our " Real Mother ", crowned bye all her qualities can transforme us, correct us with Her endless pure love.
This has been revealed to us by "Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ", recognised worldwhile by Sahaja Yogis, as representing on earth " The Shekhina", " The Holy Gost", " The perfect mediator ", between, " God , The Father " and we , His children.
For those who love art ...http/:www.sahaja-yoga-artso.rg/
samedi 12 janvier 2008
***SHRI MATAJI **** Who are you ????
To which she would reply :
" If I tell you who I am ,I will limit myself !!!!"
Nominated twice for the Nobel prize ,recipient of many ,many honorary distinctions and awards ,
and so much humility, so much awareness and knowledge, unlimited..., there is no question to which she cannot reply !
A walking spiritual (and many others things ) Encyclopedia !
Whereas I was searching , with all my being for " the truth " , and chance ( but is there such a thing as chance ? ) put me on Your path !!!
And as the great Cesar said .. " veni, vidi; vici ", I came , I saw , I conquered...
Yes, thanks for Your invitation , to your teaching, your conseling, I came , I saw, I conquered...
my anguish, my fears, my never ending existental questions that had always been unansweard !
What is the meaning of existence, what is the meaning of my being ,who am I ?
Spirit ?, matter ?
You have connected me to the " Self " throught the realisation, to the "All", to " The Souce" of all things .
You have helped me with introspection .. to like myself, respect more myself and the others,
better and better still, to forgive them, to forgive myself ..
To expérience this state of witness that permits me to see the things with discernement , to see myself whithin, whithout judging myself, others , but rather to love them, with a love ever
pure as before .
To accept myself , to accept the things I cannot change .
Yes You have given me this power , and the strenght to fight injustice and domination .
To fight against my interior demons with patience.
Yes I have experienced my interior " Jihad ", my " Maha Baratha ", it was not easy , the battle I gave up to myself was nameless.. and yet I have overcome.
Like the Phenix I was dead ,and rose from my own ashes !
I have separated the weat from the chaff.
Without You I would not have succeded.
You taught me how to medidate, how to clear my chakras , how to center myself, and not only that.
*****To be the channel of " The Self "***
To distribute this Knowlegde with love, to every one whithout distinction of race, religion, color ... to keep nothing to myself out of jealousy.
Yes " Shri Mataji ", You "Gift" I have cheriched and shared , and that has not been whithout pain " For no-one is a prophet in his own country ".
And it is truth that " only those who have ears may hear ";
and "those who have eyes may see".
You taught me to become my own " guru" , my own master , my own guide !
Tank You, thank You Mother ! You are not called " M o t h e r "... for nothing !
Go to "You tube " and search Shri Mataji you will see some of Her conferences ..
** I have often wondered ?? **
Might our situation be something like that of children who have been abandoned at birth , and who as soon as they learn about it, sense , know , deep inside themselves, that something is missing, and who begin at the earliest opportunity to search for their birth parents.
Well, we as spiritual beings are we not also searching for .. The Source ?
vendredi 11 janvier 2008
The "subtile body", and its chakras !
The left one our feminin aspect,moon,humid,blue, channel of desires.
The right our masculin aspect,solar,yellow, the channel of actions.
The centre " the evolutionary system ".
Those channels are connected to all our chakras, or wheels of energy.
We have seven main chakras (more but we will see them after ).
The first chakra the " Muladhara "the base, the note "Do " ,is like a flower , it has four petals ,it is of a corail color, it represents in us ; innocence , spontaneity, wisdom, and devotion to the "Self", in other words " God ".
It is at the "pelvien plexus", it takes care of our excretions, our reproductive organs, and is directely linked with Australia, it is the carbon in us , it has four valences, and represent the element " earth " in us.
The second chakra the "Swaddisthana " or plexus aortic is the element " fire" in us ", the note " Ré ".
It cooks the raw meat we eat and burns the coocked meat , governs the liver and is the " attention" in us , has six petales, and represents : creativité, knowledge and is linked to Africa and a part of France, its color is yellow.
The third chakra the " Nabhi " or solar plexus, is the element water in us and the note " Mi ", it has ten petals,it takes care of the whole digestive organs, it is related to most of Europe,
its color is gren ( like see water ).
The fourth chakra is the "Anahata " the heart chakra is the element air in us,the note "Fa " it is the cardiac plexus ,of a gold red color, it takes care of the heart,the lungs also are well as the exchange between oxygen and carbonic gas, it has twelve petals, linked in one side to Japan et also to Italy and England.
It's qualities are pure love and detachment..
The fifth chakra is the cervical plexus, is of a dark blue color, the note " Sol ", it has sixteen petals, is the element " Ether " in us.
It take care of the movements of our shoulders, our arms, the quality of our skin , the throat, the face ( movements ).
It is related to whole America, its quality ; state of witness , colectivity and sweetness.
The sixth chakra the " Agnya " is the element light in us, it is the optic chiasma, brings light to our eyes it is the note the " La ", the perfect sound ! Related to Jerusalem ...
It has only two petals one for forgiveness and one for being forgiven.
It is the famous " narrow gate "of christiannity ! The quality is forgiveness !!!
The seventh chakra the "Sahasrara ", the one thousand petals lotus, is the seat of the " Self", our limbic zone area , all colors, the note " Si" the final .
It is the area of silence, of integration ( that we reach in meditation ).
Each chakra has also a left, a right and a center side.. We will soon have a glance at them !
jeudi 10 janvier 2008
""Sahajo Yoga"", but what is it ?????
If one says that we are all made at the " Image of God ", that seems a little surprising , no ?
I am far for ressembling the magnificent Brigitte Bardot or Agelina Jolie, but we are the same!
The same... you would say ?
Yes of course, because, men or women, black , yellow, red or white,jew,muslim,bouddhist etc... etc... we all posess a subtile body !!!!!
But where is it ??
It exists inside of our spinal colum running along it's entire lenght !
Every body knows that we have two "Sympathetic nervous System " or channels..
The left channel , moon channel of a blue color , humid ,our feminine aspect ends in a sort of baloon in the right brain , this going to form our Super-Ego, it is from that channel ,of our desires (whether pure or not ), that come our emotions ( our cries come from there ) and contains the " hard drive " of our past lives....
The right sympathetic channel , our masculin aspect, solar , channel of actions , of a yellow color,will end in the left brain and will form the balloon of Mister "Ego".
So wich channel regulates our blood circulation, our respiration, and our heart beats ?
The central channel, the para-sympathetic system! or " Sushumna Nadi "that's her job..
It is also the channel of evolution ( that we will see later on ).
How and from who I know all this ??
It is Doctor Nirmala Srivastava, twice nominated for the " Nobel prize ", ( Who is also known as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi) who thaught us about it ( we are hundred thousend people who practice it ).
But is there a proof of the existence of this channel ?? oh yes !
There is a scientific existence of this " energy system " !
How ? By just placing you right hand on a round plaque ,which is connected to a scientific device, you can observe it on a big screen , and you can see ,even, the series of chakras ( wheels of energy ) composing it, as well as the blocages of the chakras and their colors.
So, we have seven major chakras , wich are linked to others , (subject in another post ).
It is with our left channel that we desire things.
Our right channel makes them realised.
For instance, I desired ( with left ) to share all this, now I am in my right channel to express it!
The problem that I have sometimes had, was , running from the left ( desires ) , then went to the right ( actions ) and I never stopped a while in the center channel to recharge my " batteries ".
How does that work ????
Quite simply throught meditation , recentering ourself , establishing communication with the "Self " which would permit our marvellous energy , the "Kundalini", to bring her vibrations towards our chakras so they could fonction well.
Our chakras are wheels of energy which are connected to hour hands with the fingers or to our feet throught the toes . Those chakras rotate clockwise.
Now before writing this, I closed my eyes , stayed a while in my " sushumana Nadi ", while connected I asked my Kundalini to help me to find the judicious words to touch you .
Why touching you ??
I received this wonderfull gift " the ralisation " or yoga and as I love people ( it's my profound nature ) I wanted to share this gift with all of you !
I will explain eveything as soon as possible..
More to see at ...http//:
jeudi 3 janvier 2008
But ... after all.... who am I ?
As I said I am a contented grandmother , a former airlines stewardess ( Sabena Airlines, now Brussels Airlines ) I flew for almost thirty years and for me " Is it the most beautiful job of the world ".
I love scrabble ( completely hooked ), on wordbiz I play more than ten games everyday !
I am a mad... mad Elvis Presley fan... always have been.. the first song I taught my daughter Daphné , at age eight was " Let me be there " , ( she sang me the refrains ) ,and since then she sings and play the piano .
She is a frustrated violonist, wanted to learn violon , poor lovely girl I put her at the piano !
I love all forms of art, fond of music ( except Rap ) , literature and above all " spirituality ".-
I don't fancy cooking but I prepare the best couscous in town ( the "royal couscous ", the maghrebian most loved dish ) my frends find it superb.
I am ( I hope ) a disciple of Doctor Nirmala Srivastava, known all over the world as " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi " a respected lady nominated twice for the Nobel Prize, also said to be the highest spiritual authority of the century!
I have followed her teaching ( and still do ) for more then twenty years, and that has changed my life.
I meditate twice a day, morning and evening for about 20 minutes each time.
The method taught by Shri Matji, is based on meditation and the study of the chakras and their connections to our subtil body (our central parasympathetic channel , called by the hindous " The sushumna Nadi "), our autonomic system, and how to get connected to it , to our " Self " !
My great passion ? The most..important one for me.... the love for others !
I am a an unconditional humanist!
I love people whatever their religion, their race, their color is ..,
and I adore children ( even other's people).
I have frends ( no, not acquaintances ) all over the wordl..
At a earlier age I would seek for the company of elder people, now I am sourounded by young ones.
Long live to todays' youth, they are beautiful, very beautiful within ( even if they don't seem to be like that ) .
My greatest fault ? r a c t i o n ....not tolering inustice, I fly off the handle!
I admire two beeing whom I find to be of a great calibre,former Egyptian Président Anouar As Sadath, and actual Président Sarkozy,whose intire ascent I have followed throught the sérious medias !
I speak french ( mother toung ), Englsh, Dutch , Arabic and a smateriing of all others languages..
I wish I could have met Lord " Jésus " . !!!!!!!!
I'll write very soon about one of the most important yoga ( may be the best ! ) Sahaja Yoga !
balancing the channels !!!!!!
Oh ! My God ! I was so busy with my french blog , I completely forgot about the english one ! Sorry ... sorry !
So now balancing the left and the right channels ... is as very easy as a pie !.
First of all, take off your shoes... be comfortably seated o,n a chair or a sofa , legs and feet slightly apart:
leave your both two hands at your sides, palm open towards the earth, during one ot two minutes in order to release tension !
Then for the left channel,lower your right hand at your side ,toward the earth, with your left hand resting on your left knee, palm open and turned upward for two minutes.
Then for the right channel , place your right hand on your right knee , palm open and relaxed fingers , turned upward : and left hand raised wit fingers pointed upward the palm facing behind you , also for two minutes and relax... That's all !
For more informations please go to http/
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